Access to care grantee workshop group photoAccess to care grantee workshop group photo

Access to Care Grantee Workshop

Blog Post

January 22, 2024

The AAPD Foundation hosted its first Access to Care Grantee Workshop in Louisville, KY on November 10-11, 2023. Grantee organizations from around the country came together to share their experiences and insight into the topic of access to dental care for children.

During the four panels, experts exchanged best practices, discussed major challenges facing our grantee community, and shared creative solutions for barriers to access. The Workshop also provided a networking platform for grantees to learn from each other while providing Foundation leadership with a greater personal understanding of those providing care for the underserved. 

An illustration of our Healthy Smile Hero, wearing a pink cape, purple mask and skirt, and holding a dental floss lasso.

Become a healthy smile hero!

With your help, we can give more children the dental care they need—and the healthy smile they deserve.